SANITY is a headless content management system (CMS) that allows you to create and manage content that can be published to any device or channel. It is a fully decoupled CMS, which means that the content is stored in a separate database from the front-end application. This makes it easy to use Sanity with any front-end framework or technology.


Sanity CMS is built on top of a graph database, which gives it a number of advantages over traditional CMS systems. For example, graph databases are very good at handling complex relationships between data. This makes Sanity well-suited for managing complex content models, such as those used for e-commerce websites, product configurators, and knowledge bases.

SANITY CMS also comes with a number of features that make it easy to create and manage content, such as:

  • A powerful content editor that supports a variety of content formats, including text, images, videos, and code.
  • Real-time collaboration features so that multiple users can work on the same content at the same time.
  • A variety of built-in publishing workflows to help you manage the content lifecycle.
  • A comprehensive API that allows you to integrate Sanity with any front-end application.


Benefits of using SANITY

  • Headless: Sanity CMS is a fully headless CMS, which means that the content is stored in a separate database from the front-end application. This gives you complete control over how your content is presented and allows you to use any front-end framework or technology.
  • Structured content: Sanity CMS allows you to create structured content models, which makes it easy to manage complex content and reuse content across multiple channels.
  • Real-time collaboration: Sanity CMS supports real-time collaboration, so multiple users can work on the same content at the same time. This makes it easy to collaborate on content creation and editing.
  • Powerful API: Sanity CMS has a comprehensive API that allows you to integrate Sanity with any front-end application. This gives you a lot of flexibility in how you build your digital experiences.


Alpha Solutions and SANITY

There's some uniqueness about SANITY that we at Alpha Solutions find worth stating here, and that we also bring forward when clients evaluate multiple CMS products:

  • The way that SANITY handles Real-Time Collaboration is impressive and a strong feature that means a much higher productivity from some businesses.  You can read more about that here, or watch how it looks in this video.
  • SANITY is Open Source! You have access to all the code, and you can contribute back. As developers, this is really really helpful, and saves a lot of time understanding the internal logic when diving into some issues for a specific solution. How many of the competitors actually show all their code, and put it out there as Open Source? 
  • SANITY uses the Portable Text standard to store rich text content. This makes it easy to migrate content from other CMS systems and to publish content to a variety of formats.
  • SANITY also offers a content lake feature. That makes it possible to store and analyze all of your content in a single place. This can be useful for businesses that need to track and measure the performance of their content.


At Alpha Solutions we can help you evaluate, perform evaluations and POC's so you make your investment on a solid foundation. It this market of hundreds of CMS's and DXPs - it's hard to navigate. Nobody can look into the future, but it's also about choosing a vendor that you expect to exist in the years to come. Not all of the hundreds of headless CMS's will do that.


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  • Powerful Content Editor
  • Real-time Collaboration Features
  • Built-in Publishing Workflows
  • Comprehensive API